Make a donation.

ConnectUp is a 501(c)3 non-profit that operates through the support of external donors like you. Financial gifts and prayer support are valued as the ministry pursues its vision to serve individuals and groups through prayer sessions.

Donations for sessions can be given before or after a session using the DonorBox form on this page. The suggested donation for a session is $50. ConnectUp serves people regardless of donation.

Financial gifts (one time or monthly) can be given to ConnectUp at any time by utilizing the DonorBox form or by a check made out to ConnectUp mailed to ConnectUp, 1217 Slate Hill Rd., Camp Hill PA 17011.

Join our Team of Partners by giving a monthly gift to fuel ConnectUp’s mission and operations. Find out more on our Partners page.

Contact for questions.

Thank you for giving!

Designated Giving Policy

ConnectUp seeks to honor donors’ wishes that designate the use of donated funds. ConnectUp, though, must maintain control over the ultimate determination of how all donated funds are allocated. Although ConnectUp will make every effort to honor a donor’s contribution designation, contributions become the property of ConnectUp and it has the discretion to determine how best to use all contributions to carry out its mission and purposes. This policy helps ConnectUp to fulfill its mission and to steward donated funds in an integrous, appropriate, and honoring way.